Hola soy José Luis
Growing up, I always dreamed of traveling and enjoying the world; of bouncing from place to
place until I discovered everything I could. It was something I knew I wanted to do forever.
As I started chasing my life goals, I worked on my career, studied countless hours, and
obtained all the titles I needed to become an educator. I had the privilege of teaching in two
high schools and even taught as an adjunct in some universities. During my teaching career, I
am also proud to say I created and executed almost 40 international language and culture
programs for students, faculty and parents. Needless to say, I have had a successful and
fulfilling career. And then it happened! My entire being knew it was time for a change. It was
time to live out my greatest passion; to follow the dreams that made me who I was.
I finally made the decision to leave my tenured teaching position and started my journey. My
new journey would consist of organizing amazing adventures, tours, activities, festivals, etc., and somehow offer those experiences to people who wanted to live an extraordinary
experience. After countless travel adventures, I found that my travellers enjoyed what I had
prepared for them. This was a confirmation I was on the right path.
Could you imagine, taking everything I ever experienced, my knowledge of history, art, music, dancing, food and travel and fusing them into adventures for others to experience how I
viewed the world.
During one of those traveling adventures, I landed in Spain and eventually, made my way over to Murcia; the region that has captivated my heart. The connection was so strong that I had to find a way of dividing my life between America and Spain.
For those who know me, you know I always strive to make myself a better person, and after 20
years of organizing travel events, I decided it was time to kick up it up a notch. I had not
realized how much travel has sharpened my skills. Slowly but surely, I started to become
interested in winemaking, gastronomy and other forms of adventure trips. I found myself
contemplating the best way to bring all of these ideas together. Eventually, like clockwork,
various organizations started to appear. It was clear that these organizations would form an
imperative function in present and future collaborations, therefore, we started brainstorming.
Now I continue creating opportunities to unfold new lines of work while consistently
integrating my passions with what I love to do most.
Take a look and check out what we are doing.
I am Jose Luis Rodriguez Guevara and I hope you like what I am about.
Junio 2024 - Cata de Vinos Lorca
Menudo viaje hemos preparado en La Terra Travel para conocer el sur de España.
Hola soy José Luis
Growing up, I always dreamed of traveling and enjoying the world; of bouncing from place to
place until I discovered everything I could. It was something I knew I wanted to do forever.
As I started chasing my life goals, I worked on my career, studied countless hours, and
obtained all the titles I needed to become an educator. I had the privilege of teaching in two
high schools and even taught as an adjunct in some universities. During my teaching career, I
am also proud to say I created and executed almost 40 international language and culture
programs for students, faculty and parents. Needless to say, I have had a successful and
fulfilling career. And then it happened! My entire being knew it was time for a change. It was
time to live out my greatest passion; to follow the dreams that made me who I was.
I finally made the decision to leave my tenured teaching position and started my journey. My
new journey would consist of organizing amazing adventures, tours, activities, festivals, etc., and somehow offer those experiences to people who wanted to live an extraordinary
experience. After countless travel adventures, I found that my travellers enjoyed what I had
prepared for them. This was a confirmation I was on the right path.
Could you imagine, taking everything I ever experienced, my knowledge of history, art, music, dancing, food and travel and fusing them into adventures for others to experience how I
viewed the world.
During one of those traveling adventures, I landed in Spain and eventually, made my way over to Murcia; the region that has captivated my heart. The connection was so strong that I had to find a way of dividing my life between America and Spain.
For those who know me, you know I always strive to make myself a better person, and after 20
years of organizing travel events, I decided it was time to kick up it up a notch. I had not
realized how much travel has sharpened my skills. Slowly but surely, I started to become
interested in winemaking, gastronomy and other forms of adventure trips. I found myself
contemplating the best way to bring all of these ideas together. Eventually, like clockwork,
various organizations started to appear. It was clear that these organizations would form an
imperative function in present and future collaborations, therefore, we started brainstorming.
Now I continue creating opportunities to unfold new lines of work while consistently
integrating my passions with what I love to do most.
Take a look and check out what we are doing.
I am Jose Luis Rodriguez Guevara and I hope you like what I am about.
Take a look and check out what we are doing.
I am Jose Luis Rodriguez Guevara and I hope you like what I am about.
Wines of Murcia Region
Proyecto/plataforma para dar la visibilidad a nivel Nacional e Internacional, y el impulso que necesitan los vinos de esta maravillosa tierra para posicionarse donde realmente deberían estar, a la cabeza del sector, y revalorizar los Vinos Murcianos. No solo porque lo valen realmente, sino porque también merecen ser un referente internacional. Queremos que el mundo conozca y disfrute de los grandes vinos de Murcia.
Study Abroad TA
Study Abroad TA es un Tour Operator dedicado a crear experiencias educativas para jóvenes, especializados en viajes a la Península Ibérica. Mostramos a los jóvenes lo hermoso, grande y variado que es el mundo a la vez que les enseñamos, formamos y les hacemos crecer por dentro como personas a través de viajes y experiencias educativas.
Salsa Turismo
Viajes Salsa-Gastro-Culturales. Vive y conoce las principales capitales del mundo a través de la Salsa. Con Salsa Turismo te llevamos allí donde se baila Salsa y te lo enseñaremos de una forma divertida e interesante. Recorreremos país a país, ciudad a ciudad, local a local y vivirás la Salsa y harás turismo de una forma muy especial.
La Terra Travel
La Terra Travel, Inc. es una empresa de servicios de viajes con más de 18 años de experiencia. Aunque nos especializamos en liderar grupos privados personalizados en todo el mundo, nuestros innumerables viajes a la Península Ibérica nos han brindado la oportunidad de liderar más y más grupos en todo el sur de España. Nuestros tours se basan en las necesidades e intereses de nuestros clientes.
Tour Architex
Recorrer Europa y conozcer sus culturas es, de lejos, una de las mayores aventuras que podrías tener! Europa y sus 44 países tienen cada uno su propia cultura original, arquitectura impresionante, platos deliciosos e historia única que no se puede encontrar en ningún otro lugar del mundo. ¡Cada país tiene sus propias experiencias imprescindibles y vistas únicas que simplemente no puede permitirse el lujo de perderse! Permítanos ayudarlo a planificar el viaje perfecto y crear recuerdos para toda la vida.
Próximos viajes y eventos programados:
Aquí puedes ver los próximos viajes programados. Te invita a conocer el mundo y disfrutar de su belleza.
Junio 2024 - El sur de España
Menudo viaje hemos preparado en La Terra Travel para conocer el sur de España.
Junio 2024 - El sur de España
Menudo viaje hemos preparado en La Terra Travel para conocer el sur de España.
Junio 2024 - El sur de España
Menudo viaje hemos preparado en La Terra Travel para conocer el sur de España.
Entradas blogs:
Me gusta escribir. Me gusta contaros lo que tengo por mi cabeza y me gusta manteneros informados.
Wine of Murcia Region
My first article
¡Sé real! Esta reflexión, aunque sea la primera de muchas, compartirá lo que movió escríbeme sobre este viaje para descubrir los Vinos de Murcia.
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Haz clic aquíEjemplo de encabezado de llamada a la acción
Add a strong one liner supporting the heading above and giving users a reason to click on the button below.
Haz clic aquíMis últimas fotos:
Aquí te dejo las últimas fotos de mis viajes, mis eventos y mis proyectos. Espero que te guste.

Febrero 2024
Aquí te dejo las últimas fotos de mis viajes, mis eventos y mis proyectos. Espero que te guste.

Febrero 2024
Aquí te dejo las últimas fotos de mis viajes, mis eventos y mis proyectos. Espero que te guste.

Febrero 2024
Aquí te dejo las últimas fotos de mis viajes, mis eventos y mis proyectos. Espero que te guste.